Vaginal yeast infection is a common problem among women. Its effects are also visible on the face, causing the complexion of women’s faces to fade. Dr. Padma Shrivastav, an obstetrician and gynecologist at Motherhood Hospital, Pune, explains about vaginal yeast infection and its associated damages.
Most women are troubled by vaginal yeast infections. Symptoms such as burning, itching, and swelling occur when there is a yeast infection. Paying attention to some precautions is essential to prevent it.
Why Yeast Infection Occurs On The Face
If you are experiencing allergies or rashes on your face, vaginal yeast infection could also be the cause. Yeast infection primarily occurs due to the growth of Candida fungus.
Candida naturally resides on the skin. However, the problem is exacerbated when its numbers unnaturally increase. Yeast infection can occur not only in the private parts but also on the face, nails, and other parts of the body.
When yeast infection affects the face and skin, it is called cutaneous candidiasis. In most cases, yeast infection can spread throughout the body along with the face.
Causes Of Yeast Infection
There are several reasons for vaginal yeast infection. It is essential to pay attention to lifestyle, immunity, and some habits to avoid it.
If you take antibiotic medications, it damages the good bacteria in the vaginal area. When good bacteria fail to do their job properly, it provides an opportunity for fungi to thrive, increasing the chances of vaginal infection.
Weak Immunity
Due to illness, stress, weak immunity, and some medications, the body becomes more susceptible to vaginal infections.
Hormonal Imbalance
During hormonal fluctuations, such as during pregnancy, periods, or taking contraceptive pills, the chances of vaginal yeast infection also increase.
Consuming Excessive Sugar
Women who consume a lot of sweet items are more prone to vaginal yeast infections.
Lack Of Hygiene
Women who do not maintain proper hygiene often experience recurrent vaginal yeast infections. To prevent this, keep the vaginal area clean, wear cotton panties, and change them twice a day. Change panties before going to bed at night.

Symptoms Of Vaginal Yeast Infection
Identifying the symptoms of vaginal yeast infection can prevent it immediately. Many problems can be avoided by treating it promptly. The common symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are:
- Itching, burning, and pain in the vagina and vulva.
- Burning and discomfort during urination and intercourse.
- Thick, white, watery vaginal discharge.
- Rashes, swelling, and pain around the vagina.
Yeast infection mainly affects women. In men, symptoms such as itching or burning on the penis may develop.
When To See A Doctor?
- When you are experiencing it for the first time.
- When symptoms of yeast infection are severe or unusual.
- Pregnant women should immediately consult a doctor if they have a yeast infection.
- When you are not sure if it is a yeast infection.
- When you experience frequent infections.
- When you have tried a lot but there is no improvement in the infection.
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Preventing Vaginal Yeast Infection
- Keep the private parts clean and dry to prevent infection.
- Wear cotton panties and change them twice a day. Dry the vagina with tissue after urination every time.
- Fungi grow rapidly with excessive sugar intake, so avoid sweet items.
- Moisture spreads infection quickly, so avoid wearing wet swimwear or sweaty workout clothes for long periods.
- Drink plenty of water throughout the day. This helps remove toxins from the body and prevents infection.
- Tight-fitting clothes provide an ideal environment for fungi to grow, so avoid wearing tight clothes. Wear loose, comfortable clothes that allow the skin to breathe.
- Use condoms during intercourse to prevent infection from spreading.
Consult a doctor immediately if you feel repeated infections or severe symptoms.